
Related Efforts
  XQuery Style

Quick Start

  xqDoc Comments
  xqDoc Schema
  xqDoc Conversion
  xqDoc Display
  xqDoc Drivers


Sample Output
  xqDoc Basic
  xqDoc Standard
  xqDoc Enhanced

  Who We Are


The goal of xqDoc is to provide a simple vendor neutral solution for documenting XQuery library and main modules, as well as tools to generate a user friendly presentation of this documentation and cross referencing information. This is being accomplished through 4 specific components:
  1. xqDoc proposes a new commenting convention that extends the currently defined XQuery comment style. This convention is modelled after Java's Javadoc commenting style, and provides a simple, uniform way to document XQuery source code.
  2. xqDoc defines a standard xqDoc XML schema. This schema provides a neutral format for storing information for user-defined XQuery modules as well as 3rd party proprietary functions that may be implemented in other programming languages.
  3. xqDoc provides a vendor neutral Java based conversion package that parses an XQuery library or main module and generates an xqDoc XML document modelled after the xqDoc XML schema. Support for specific XML database platforms and XQuery processors is provided by writing vendor specific drivers to store the generated xqDoc XML into the vendor's database or filesystem.
  4. xqDoc provides a vendor neutral presentation component, consisting of XQuery main modules and a library module, that can process the xqDoc XML document(s) stored in a XML database or filesystem and generate an extensively hyperlinked XHTML navigation interface.