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Quick Start

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  xqDoc Schema
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  xqDoc Drivers


Sample Output
  xqDoc Basic
  xqDoc Standard
  xqDoc Enhanced

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Standard Output

As explained earlier, xqDoc does not require that xqDoc style comments be embedded into XQuery library or main modules before the generated output is useful. For example, simply running xqDoc against existing library or main modules can produce easy to read and useful output for the current functions defined in these modules as well as cross reference linking with other modules.

This example presents the xqDoc XHTML view for the main modules and library module used to construct the xqDoc presentation output. Since none of the modules contain any xqDoc style comments, this presentation view simulates what is possible when running xqDoc against existing library and main modules. Select the 'view code' link under 'module uri' to examine the source code that was parsed to produce the xqDoc XML and subsequent presentation output.

Since there were no 'third party' modules translated into xqDoc XML (such as the W3C XPath Functions and Operators) and stored in the XML database, there will be function references identified but not hypertext linked. The enhanced output will showcase what is possible when 'external' library modules are translated into xqDoc XML.