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  XQuery Style

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  xqDoc Comments
  xqDoc Schema
  xqDoc Conversion
  xqDoc Display
  xqDoc Drivers


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  xqDoc Basic
  xqDoc Standard
  xqDoc Enhanced

  Who We Are


January 13, 2014

Today, the xqDoc team enhanced the xqDoc schema based on suggestions from the XQuery community. The following changes were incorporated:

  • We added an xqdoc:annotations element to each variable or function that uses annotations. Similar to Zorba's proposal, the xqdoc:annotation child nodes may have additional xqdoc:literal nodes with type attributes (xs:string, xs:integer, xs:decimal, xs:double) and values.
  • We added a xqdoc:namespaces element to the root element, which summarizes all prefixes and namespace URIs used or declared in the module.
  • Similar to xquerydoc (but contrary to the current official xqDoc schema), we added name and type elements to variables.
For a discussion of the changes read this note. We would like to thank Christian Grün (BaseX) for proposing and driving these changes within the xQuery community.

The updated schema is available here.

September 23, 2011

Today, the xqDoc team learned about the open source xquerydoc project (implemented in pure XQuery v1.0) that parses xqDoc comments from XQuery modules and generates a set of API level documentation (based on xqDoc XML).

Since xquerydoc is implemented in pure XQuery v1.0, the provided xqdoc function and can be invoked from most XQuery processors (Saxon, MarkLogic, XQilla, eXist). The generated xqDoc XML can then be transformed into XHTML using XSLT (and custom extensions provided by an XQuery processor) or simply XQuery. This is an exciting development since it should now be much easier to genrate xqDoc XML from existing XQuery modules.

The xquerydoc project is available on github.

September 09, 2011

Today, xqDoc has migrated to GitHub. The hope is that it will now be easier for the community to contribute to xqDoc and make further enhancements.

September 23, 2011

Today, the xqDoc team learned about the open source xquerydoc project (implemented in pure XQuery v1.0) that parses xqDoc comments from XQuery modules and generates a set of API level documentation (based on xqDoc XML).

Since xquerydoc is implemented in pure XQuery v1.0, the provided xqdoc function and can be invoked from most XQuery processors (Saxon, MarkLogic, XQilla, eXist). The generated xqDoc XML can then be transformed into XHTML using XSLT (and custom extensions provided by an XQuery processor) or simply XQuery. This is an exciting development since it should now be much easier to genrate xqDoc XML from existing XQuery modules.

The xquerydoc project is available on github.

September 09, 2011

Today, xqDoc has migrated to GitHub. The hope is that it will now be easier for the community to contribute to xqDoc and make further enhancements.

October 29, 2010

Today, xqDoc announced a new schema for defining xqDoc XML. Since this new schema is 100% backward compatible with the previous schema, we strongly encourage users to migrate to this new schema and begin leveraging the new features/benefits. Some of these new features include:

  • Function arity specification. This new feature is on both the individual functions and the invoked functions. By leveraging this capability, one can now disambiguate functions that have been overloaded with different numbers of parameters.
  • Function parameters. This new feature allows the individual parameters defined in a function to be separately defined.
  • Function return information. This new feature allows the return type to be separately defined for a function.
  • Occurrence indicator. This new feature allows the occurrence (*,+,?) to be specified for global variables, function parameters or function return information.
  • Import type indicator. This new feature allows the differentiation between schema and library module imports.
  • Custom comment tag.This new feature allows the specification of custom xqDoc comment tags such as @example.
Providers that currently generate xqDoc XML can hopefully leverage these extensions to the xqDoc schema and produce a better/enhanced documentation experience for XQuery users.

August 27, 2010

Today, xqDoc is pleased to announce the integration of xqDoc with the Zorba XQuery engine. More information on this integration (including a complete tutorial) can be found here.

April 30, 2007

Today, xqDoc announced support for the January 23, 2007 W3C XQuery 1.0 Recommendation. The xqDoc Java/ANTLR conversion package can now generate xqDoc XML from library and main modules adhering to this specification. Similarly, xqDoc provides vendor neutral XQuery presentation scripts for the W3C XQuery 1.0 Recommendation to support the rendering of the generated xqDoc XML.

June 23, 2006

Today, xqDoc announced support for the eXist XQuery update extensions.

June 9, 2006

Today, xqDoc is pleased to announce the integration of xqDoc with the <oXygen/> ® XML IDE. More information on this integration can be found here.

June 7, 2006

Today, xqDoc is pleased to announce the availability of a new set of xqDoc display presentation scripts. This new set of scripts removes the underlying dependency on the fn:base-uri() function that was leading to interoperability issues with some XQuery engines.

March 28, 2006

Today, xqDoc is pleased to announce the integration of xqDoc with the Stylus Studio ® XML IDE. More information on this integration can be found here.

January 18, 2006

The XQuery Style Conventions were officially released today by the creators of xqDoc. Earlier versions of this document were disseminated to the XQuery development community and their feedback has been incorporated into this version. This living document will be continually updated as the XQuery specification changes and as feedback is received from the XQuery development community.

June 28, 2005

Darin McBeath presented an xqDoc overview at the recent MarkLogic User Conference.

March 7, 2005

The xqDoc web site is officially launched.

The initial version 1.0 of xqDoc is released with support for the commercial MarkLogic XML Content Server and the open source eXist XML database.